Andrea's experience is not typical, spanning as it does the academic, financial, and behavioral health sectors. She earned a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of St. Thomas (Houston) in 2008, and has taught philosophy as an adjunct instructor. Concurrently, she also had a career in the mortgage banking industry, working for companies such as GE Capital and Mellon/Chase.
Changing careers in 2010, she earned her MS in Psychology from OLLU-Houston. She lived in Rome, Italy for several years. She has worked in both inpatient and outpatient hospitalization settings, in addition to her private practice. All these experiences afford her a unique perspective, allowing her to work creatively with career changers.
Andrea is currently accepting new clients in her private practice, as well as writing a new manuscript. Her first book, Alone in Church, was published in 2019 and reflects on themes of autism and spirituality. It is available at The Jung Center bookstore in Houston, TX, at Moonbow's Book Nook in Las Cruces, NM, and through the publisher, Saint Julian Press.
Changing careers in 2010, she earned her MS in Psychology from OLLU-Houston. She lived in Rome, Italy for several years. She has worked in both inpatient and outpatient hospitalization settings, in addition to her private practice. All these experiences afford her a unique perspective, allowing her to work creatively with career changers.
Andrea is currently accepting new clients in her private practice, as well as writing a new manuscript. Her first book, Alone in Church, was published in 2019 and reflects on themes of autism and spirituality. It is available at The Jung Center bookstore in Houston, TX, at Moonbow's Book Nook in Las Cruces, NM, and through the publisher, Saint Julian Press.